Feeding a Hungry Soul – A Healing Habits Tracker

As children we are taught about healthy food groups from an early age. We’re taught how to use those food groups to guide our choices for feeding our body what it needs to thrive and be strong.

  • Bad choices = bad health, low energy, struggle and after time, painful consequences.
  • Good choices = better health, higher energy, empowered body and less pain.

We can take that same concept and apply it to making healthy choices to feed our soul – to experience all that God desires for us, be filled with His power and shine with His glory. And, just like our physical eating habits, we have daily choices for how we feed our soul, and with each choice there is a result…

  • Bad choices = shame, guilt, pain (for yourself or those tangled up in the consequences of your choices), shackles, lack of maturity and stunted spiritual growth.
  • Good choices = forgiveness, grace, joy, freedom, maturity and healthy spiritual growth.

If you desire to MORE…more peace, more guidance, more wisdom – grab this journaling worksheet to help you find more of the things God has to feed your hungry soul.

  • Discover a list of healthy ways to feed your soul throughout the day.
  • Track nourishing habits.
  • Grow stronger in fellowship with God.
  • Use the list of junk food to recognize the things used deceptively to steal, kill and destroy that which God gives in abundance.
  • Identify where ‘junk’ soul food habits can be replaced by healthy habits.

This tracker is just one of many journaling exercises found in Tami VanHoy’s book…

Conversations at a Table for Two: Feeding a Hungry Soul.

Look for it on this website (store coming soon if it’s not here already!) or you can also find it on Amazon.